Steps You Can Take To Minimize Your Pest Population

Pests do not belong in your home. No matter the pest, it needs to be ousted immediately. The best way to fix this issue is to find out what has worked well for others, which is what the following piece will teach you.

Plug holes that mice or other pests can enter with steel wool. Steel wool is too tough for any pest to chew through, even rats and mice. Openings measuring more than 1/2 an inch need stuffing. Rodents can slip through very small openings.

Keep your rugs well vacuumed to eradicate pests in the home. This will pick up all the ants and bugs that are in your den, kitchen and living room. When you are finished, throw the bag in the garbage.

Don’t move too quickly when dealing with a bedbug problem. You may believe
they are eradicated, but some may still be lurking. Bedbugs are able to get as long as a year without food. So it is important to close all points of entry. You will prevent them from hiding in there.

Fleas are known to be difficult to get rid of; however, there are several things that you can do to help remove the fleas and flea eggs from your home. The first thing you have to do is use a vacuum every day and then you spray a good flea spray. Be sure that you get rid of every vacuum bag that you use as soon as you are done.

If you are battling mice in or around your home, mint can help. Mint should be planted around your home’s perimeter. This will make the foundation undesirable for mice to live in. If mice are already in your home, place mint leaves around areas they are found in. This can repel the mice if the mint is fresh.

Ensure that recyclables are carefully rinsed. You must always rinse pop cans that often have sugar residue. Get the soda pop completely out of the can. Then you can store it in your home or garage without worrying about it attracting pests.

Use these pest control tips to get rid of your bug or rodent problem. Try out some of them, and rid your building of pests. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment when you succeed.

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